Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 6 | View on Mainstream Music

I have found that almost every genre of music has something good in it. It is also as subjective as someone's favorite color, food, or footwear.

I don't have satellite radio and I don't own an iPod. Local radio and the occasional cd are what I have at my disposal.

Due to my current demographic, country music and hip-hop are the most popular. I'm sure we aren't without a few, but we do not seem to possess the required amount of hipsters to sustain that particular genre.

My views are non-committal but valid: Music is like beauty - it is as it does; it is in the eye or ear of the beholder.

Whatever moves your soul; whatever gives you goosebumps; whatever you connect with; whatever makes you close your eyes and transports you somewhere you love...crank it way up.

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