Thursday, November 01, 2012

Day 7 | 5 Pet Peeves [Not Really]

Finding Joy | The ABC's of Thanks

If we're friends on FB, you already know that I'm fuming over here about a doctor's appointment I had in May. There are 2 other prominent issues wrapping themselves around my heart like barbed wire at the moment. And the last thing I need is to focus on 5 other things that bug me. I may address them later, but for now, I need to redirect my heart and mind. I need to find a safe, soft place to sit while I delicately try to disentangle the barbs; while I'm open with the Lord about how heavy my burden feels right now. Gratefulness won't remove it, but it might tie a few lime green and orange balloons to it and lighten the load.

The ABC'S of Thanks - Inspired by Finding Joy

A - Autumn, as warm as this year's has been.
B - Boy clothes, toys, sounds, hands, baby boy.
C - Christ's mercy and love for me...good golly.
D - Dairy, the place I belong, learned life-lessons, ran barefoot; where my heart will always call home.
E - Eric.
F - Faces. Familiar, silly, furry, messy. All of them.
G - Girlfriends. There are a few of them out there who continue to help shape my world.
H - Heat. Whether it's the weather outside or the air blowing in through the vents.
I - Instant gratification. So good.
J - Joy. Being able to feel it.
K - Kiwi Loco. (Frozen yogurt.) 'Cause I can't have ice cream.
L - Laughter. It's my favorite.
M - Music. I have it playing all. the. time. It lights the dark, fills the negative space, makes me dance.
N - New friends. I've made a couple lately and have already been blessed by them. I hope they know that.
O - Originality. I love thinking of new design layouts.
P - Please. The word can move mountains.
Q - Quiet-hearted. Yes, I think I made that up. But I think you get it. I'm trying to be more like this.
R - Romance. To be made to feel special. Does not require extravagant acts.
S - Seven. As in, how old Eric will be in December. As in, how many years I've had to freak out about how old he's getting.
T - Tequila. Sometimes, a couple margaritas with treasured people is a perfect, priceless gift.
U - Ugliness. It makes you appreciate beauty. The messy makes you appreciate the clean. Life.
V - Vacations.
W - White Christmas. The magic of a snowy holiday morning.
X - eXamples. Good or poor, lessons are taught through them.
Y - Yes. So much opportunity awaits us with that word.
Z - Zinfandel. God bless it.

Baby boy

1 comment:

Motormouth Macey said...

My how I love this post! I love your ABC's and may just need to steal this idea to give myself my own little boost. Love you lady, and hope that whatever has you down passes soon!