Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ice Creamed

After a couple disappointing evenings of hearing the blaring, cringe-inducing music of the ice cream truck but never actually seeing it, we finally got it stopped at our address!

I heard the music before Eric did, so I got some money and asked him what that noise was. His eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across his face as he asked me, "Can it come to our house this time?!" After seeing his hopeful little face for the 3rd time, I was praying that it would.

And sure enough, as we stepped out our front door to wait for it, it showed up! I ran back inside to grab my camera and Eric discussed the chilled choices with the driver!

SpiderMan ice cream?! That was one happy little boy! "Next time," Eric said, "I'm getting Batman!"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009



Insert whatever summer-esque words you prefer. You get the idea.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Udderly Surprised

Yes, that was a shameless pun, but I couldn't resist. About two months ago, I was invited to join a website called I was glad to accept the invite and once I logged in and started checking the site out, I realized I had joined just in time to participate in a t-shirt design contest that was being put on!

I absolutely love stuff like that and spent a couple days mulling over some ideas. If you know me at all, you know I tend to take the "humor route". It's way more fun. Any sort of sarcasm, play on words, etc.

When I got a little slogan stuck in my head, I sat down at my computer and just kinda made a corresponding image to bring it all together. It really isn't anything spectacular, but I think that may be part of the beauty of it. It was short, basic, literally black-and-white, and most of all, I believe most of the website members (or their families) could relate...with a chuckle and perhaps a roll of the eyes.

"these 4 are my 9-5"

And wouldn't you know it--I won! That just really made my day! I really getting a kick out of others being able to appreciate and connect with something I come up with. And what made the win even more fun is that the shirt is now an actual product and available to purchase (at 10% off during June for Dairy Month)! You can find them here.

The image above was featured in the Progressive Dairyman magazine along with a short article also featuring 3 very good honorable mentions. I had a blast with the whole process and wanted to share it with you!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bedtime Snories...

Yes, that says "Snories". Between my two pugs and Levi, I've been going nuts! They are all sound asleep (emphasis on sound) while I lie awake feeling like a drugged crazy person! Levi has a history of snoring, but for the past while it's gotten worse and I'm not sure why. And ever since I thought I was doing a nice thing and bought a big new bed for my pugs, I've almost regretted it! It's big and soft and Gus thinks it's necessary to sprawl out completely upside-down (I will try to get a picture some time). That is his sole sleeping position. NOT good for his nasal passages! I don't know how he can sleep and breathe like that!

So, often I end up in the office where my bed is from before we were married. And I am able to sleep. But I'd rather stay in our bed where I'm already warm and cozy and cut out all the messing around!

Any suggestions or unused ear plugs? ;) And do they make Breathe-Rite strips for dogs (specifically dogs with minimal-to-no-nose?) Hahaha!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

From My Back Door Lookin' Out

The other day, I was in my backyard, not doing anything in particular, when I just stopped and looked around. I absolutely love our backyard and I just soaked it in. Levi put so much work into that yard and landscaping and we enjoy it so much every single day. And it's very peaceful--when the neighborhood dogs decide to keep their yaps shut...

So, to give you an idea of what he's done and what I was appreciating, here's a small example of my view:

Levi and a couple of his buddies in the landscaping business cut and laid almost every one of those pavers by hand. Behind the house and right next to the patio furniture and gazebo is also a hot tub.

The grass looks great in this picture, but it doesn't do justice to my hanging baskets! The pink one on the left was from my sister and bro-in-law for Mom's Day! It's been a bloomin' machine! And the gigantic purple one on the right was from Levi for our anniversary. It's like flowers on steriods! I've never seen such an overflow! And of course Eric puts a smile on my face every time!

While we were splashing around in the kiddie pool with the pugs, Eric got the clever idea to push his stroller up against the side, take a seat in it, and dip his toes in the water! It must've looked really comfortable because a teeny, tiny ladybug stopped in for a visit. Boy, was it small! Eric just loved it, saying "He's my best friend!"

And leave it to Levi to bring another motorized recreational vehicle to our home! This is the littlest 4-wheeler we've ever seen! Levi got it from a man while picking up a junk car on his property. So, Eric got out his safety goggles and screwdrivers and helped get it "all fixed".

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Alright, I'm sick of looking at my scratched car! So onto a lighter subject: rafting!

One of my best friends in the whole world came to visit a couple weeks ago from Minnesota! Janelle (we share the name) and her husband Steve joined us on a rafting trip in Hagerman! Boy, talk about fun! We had a blast and the time went by way too quickly.

It was her and Levi's first time ever and they did awesome! And the really cool part is that each one of us got to "ride the bull" while going over the rapids! Woohoo! We also got to see tons of pelicans, a fox, and a lone deer!

Our guides were great and they got a good laugh out of all the sarcastic comments and b.s. flying around the raft that day!

Janelle squared.

Steve + Levi = Stevi

It was cold but so fun!

At the end of our trip!