Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Alright, I'm sick of looking at my scratched car! So onto a lighter subject: rafting!

One of my best friends in the whole world came to visit a couple weeks ago from Minnesota! Janelle (we share the name) and her husband Steve joined us on a rafting trip in Hagerman! Boy, talk about fun! We had a blast and the time went by way too quickly.

It was her and Levi's first time ever and they did awesome! And the really cool part is that each one of us got to "ride the bull" while going over the rapids! Woohoo! We also got to see tons of pelicans, a fox, and a lone deer!

Our guides were great and they got a good laugh out of all the sarcastic comments and b.s. flying around the raft that day!

Janelle squared.

Steve + Levi = Stevi

It was cold but so fun!

At the end of our trip!


Motormouth Macey said...

love the wet boob at the end! hehe.. had to point it out, sorry.
Looks like a great trip and a lot of fun!!

Janelle said...

Oh, I's there. I'll just chalk it up to a good time and leave it at that. :) LOL!