Tuesday, September 01, 2009

My Digital Portfolio

I'm not sure how many of you know about my solution to paying for a website to showcase my design work (or how many of you know that I even do that), BUT nevertheless, I have a link to the right of my page that take those who chose to click to a small blog of my work.


I have been told that my business name is less-creative than my actual work, but I love it. The "J", of course, stands for "Janelle" though a number of people have tried to be "creative" (and by "creative", I mean "sarcastic", "funny", "that's quite a stretch", etc.) But that's to be expected from the people I choose to surround myself with.

Anyway, all of my work is completely custom. I get asked about pricing for certain types of work but can only really offer my hourly rate. I never put a one-lump-sum on any project because it is absolutely a guarantee that my client will find 27 of the most time-consuming details to change. Which is fantastic; I am happy to oblige.

I'm also happy to get paid for my time.

Anyway, you can click the word "J DESIGNS" above to visit it, if you'd like. And just because you may not see something doesn't mean I can't do it. It just means I haven't...yet.

And I know it's early (oh, for crying out loud, I can't believe I'm even going to say this), but it's a great time to start thinking about fun, custom Christmas greetings for super cheap!

Questions? Demands? --> j.dzyns@hotmail.com

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