Friday, September 25, 2009

Breaking Up With Summer

Dear Summer,

I need to confess something to you. While in the midst of feeling your soft, warm caress this afternoon, I looked out the window -- only for a moment -- when I saw a. . .a. . .well. . .I saw a leaf fall to the ground. And I watched it fall all the way down.

{downcast eyes}

I know it isn't any excuse, but I want you to know the leaf hadn't yet discarded its green coloring. And while it may not have been any hue of red, orange, or yellow, it still distracted me from you. And I am ashamed.

Please know I never meant to hurt you. You have been good to me the last two months and I wouldn't trade those for the world. But if this is the end of our hot, seasonal affair, then I understand.

Until next year, my sweet, sweet Summer Sun. . .

1 comment:

Motormouth Macey said...

You are so funny. Love it!