Monday, April 22, 2013

Valued | BreAnn

Before my 7th grade year, my parents forced me to do something no child should ever have to endure. And they should under no circumstances have to endure it during their early teenage years.

I was forced to make the traumatic transfer from teeny-tiny-private-school-where-everyone-has-to-love-everyone-or-you're-going-to-hell to a slightly (and only slightly) larger public school, which I convinced myself was hell.

And it was made painfully obvious to me that I had something to prove, and I had better prove it immediately so all the other girls knew what to do with me.

The only thing was - I didn't know what that "something" was. But I managed to prove it somehow because some girls (you know the ones) determined that I enrolled there, of my own free-will, to ruin their very lives.

Looking back, I feel that would've been an admirable goal, but would leave very little time for homework and dance practice. And, oh one messes with dance practice.

How did we make friends when we were young? Seriously, how? There was no formal interview or Q & A period. We didn't know anything about each other. There weren't any summer bbqs or girls' nights out at that age that we could invite each other to. Weren't we a little pretentious?

Oh how I love a little pretention (is that a word?)

Because one fellow blondie (some of you don't know I'm a natural blonde) was pretentious enough to think I would love her if she loved me.

So. much. love. for this beauty:

And you HAVE to check out her natural lashes (promise me you'll try not to hate her):

We have been friends for, good grief...has it truly been 17 years? What a gift. 

I have been able to watch and learn so much from this woman. BreAnn is a natural leader. She's got a confident, calm demeanor that people naturally look to. She comes off as fearless, as evidenced by her move clear across the country right after receiving her degree (which she moved to Utah to get. Go Aggies!) She is absolutely beautiful and her beauty is only rivaled by her intelligence. She has published articles through and for her work and they have made me even prouder to know her, even from waaaaay over here. She cares about others deeply & has changed lives everywhere she's lived. I have watched others form relationships with her and, instead of the jealousy I feared I would feel early on, I just grin from ear to ear because they get to see what I see - and they are blessed because of it.

She is a lovely soul - one of those true friends. I believe with all of my heart that, not only would she not participate in any sort of junior-high-style bad-mouthing or gossip, but she would openly & gently put a stop to it or redirect the conversation. I trust her with my whole heart.

She and I have one of those friendships where we won't actually speak verbally to each other for long, long periods of time; we will exchange occasional warm or hilarious texts; we will connect through "likes" on FB; but when we get together, it's like we've been sitting there, in those seats, for years. Like no time has passed. The core personalities that brought us together at our vulnerable 13 years, the roots that have only grown stronger & deeper, it all connects and thrives and grows and shines when the distance between us is finally bridged.
{It is also worth it to note here that she claims to not hate me (yet) for not having made the trip to her side of the country thus far. Bre, please know my self-loathing is steady & constant. Thank you for being so gracious.}

I look forward to seeing BreAnn like it's Christmas, the 4th of July, and my birthday ALL ON THE SAME DAY.  She is West Coast cool, East Coast chic, and Pacific Northwest-genuine. She's like, 3 of the 5 awesome things in that Beach Boys song! Winning!

Her sweet soul is as pretty as she is and I am so thankful that I get to have her in my life. I have saved the pictures and cards that we've exchanged over the years because they are simply priceless - no amount of value could ever be placed on them, or on the friendship she offers me.

I love you, BreAnn, and I value you more than I can say.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Janelle- What a beautiful description of my little sis. You are gifted with words for sure. I sure love this girl and I am so glad you have someone like that in your life. You are also an amazing person as well!