Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Weekend Cocktail: The Work/Play Martini

The Work/Play Martini: shaken, and only slightly disturbed.

I had been to Tom's Whiffle-Ball Golf Extravaganza only once before. And good food, drinks, and activities were abundant. But I mostly just ate. And talked.

So unlike me.

This year, Sean wasn't working and was therefore roped into obligated coerced into excited to go with me. He was really looking forward to the quality time. Pork shoulder, a cold drink, and the promise of golf had nothing to do with it.

I had made arrangements with the mother of one of Eric's best friends to ensure Alex (said best friend) could come along. I believe it is worth noting that I have to do this in Spanish. IN SPANISH. And no matter how funny I think I am in English, I am 3,000 times more offensive in Spanish. God bless Alex's mom, who continues to allow her child to play with mine. After all, hanging out with mostly adults can give even the most obedient child a light touch of Dennis-the-Menace. (It will even do that with some adults...something about Restless Legs and Tourettes...)

Eric and I cleaned around the house amidst the sounds of much protesting and some totally rockin' tunes (Britney Spears...like I had to clarify) until Alex was done with his soccer game & we could pick him up.

Sean played the role of hero (yet again) by picking up the ingredients for my 3-Ingredient Lemon Bars that I was going to bring along. In an effort to still qualify for the Mother of the Year award, I asked Eric if he wanted to help me. One of my favorite kitchen decorations is now hopelessly lodged behind the oven and my finger has finally stopped bleeding.

We made it to the Extravaganza, prepped a couple margaritas, and enjoyed some good food & company.

"Resort Life" Sean

Alex & Eric Being Boys

It's Harder Than You Think

It was so great to get together with a few of my co-workers outside of the office. Those guys know how to have a good time. And their horse property is perfect for curious little boys. We golfed and the boys went down to the creek and came back with a frog in each hand. I wanted to hold them, too, so I didn't get a picture of that.

Sean and I also tried a Budweiser Lime-A-Rita (is that what they're called?) Even now, I don't really know what my opinion is of them. Maybe Sean summed it up well when he said, "That would do in a pinch."

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