It was quite a wonder that I continued to probe. Little did I know that somewhere in that head of his, hiding somewhere between the erratic drum rhythms and the little circus that had come to town, was my freedom.
Adam sat me down on the steps of his front porch and began with what I'm sure he thought were words that would make me feel "all better". "I prayed that this would come out right." Well, I know God answers prayers, sometimes with a "yes" and sometimes with a "no". I believed God pushed the "Fat Chance, Buddy" button on this request.
I asked what he meant, and as I heard his next words, I again found myself looking like a big-mouth
ed bass sitting in front of a big-mouthed ass. "There's just this one thing I want to try...."*awkward pause as he studied my face, looking for the understanding he had prayed for*"....there's this girl...and I think that God is telling me to try a relationship with her right now." I don't mean to blaspheme, but I think I actually heard God laugh that night. And then came the kicker: "But if it doesn't work out with her, I want to come back to you!" I couldn't believe how much sincerity was in his voice; he literally thought I was going to just sit along and wait while he figured out if he wanted me or not. I didn't have much to say, but I did cry. I cried because I would be without my "habit". He tried to comfort me by rubbing my back; he's really lucky he still has his right arm. But after that, I was rid of him.
Adam sat me down on the steps of his front porch and began with what I'm sure he thought were words that would make me feel "all better". "I prayed that this would come out right." Well, I know God answers prayers, sometimes with a "yes" and sometimes with a "no". I believed God pushed the "Fat Chance, Buddy" button on this request.
I asked what he meant, and as I heard his next words, I again found myself looking like a big-mouth

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