Sunday, the 10th, after the church service was over, Levi and I went to pick up Eric from his Sunday School class. I was signing him out as the teacher was telling me that he had been rocking his chair back and forth (which is a no-no) and managed to rock it too far, crashing backwards into a toy shelf.
She said he had bonked his head and cried a little bit when she picked him up and hugged him. But that he ended up just sitting shyly on his chair for the last few minutes of class. She didn't page me because she knew I'd be there in just a few minutes.
As soon as he came out of the room, I grabbed him in a big hug and he started to cry again. I asked him if he bonked his head and I cupped the back of his head with my hand. Then Levi told me there was blood. I looked at my hand and sure enough! The teacher hadn't seen it either and felt just awful that she didn't notice it.

So, I walked him into the bathroom so we could clean it up. I wasn't overly concerned because, as Levi has demonstrated, head wounds always bleed very readily. Well, the more I gently cleaned it, the better I could see what we were dealing with. Eric had a perfectly straight split on the back of his head. I called Levi into the women's bathroom and he said, "Yeah, he needs stitches." I was fine, just bummed out that we were going to have to take my baby to the doctor for another relatively serious reason. {The last time he was at the doctor's was to have his cast taken off his leg and that involved a very noisy saw.}

Eric started crying really hard when we told him that we were going to have a doctor help make it better. He was just really nervous. But as soon as we got there, he was fine! Even when he was told to lay down on his side, got the numbing shots and even when the staples* were being put in. Eric just played with Levi's cell phone, taking pictures of us and laying really still when he needed to. I was so proud of him!

And of course, we met up with my family for lunch afterwards and he was in the spotlight and loving every minute of it!

*They did 5 staples instead of stitches because it was in Eric's hair. We were told that removing stitches can hurt if the hair has been sew into them at all.
Man! Your boys and their heads! I hope they're both feeling better. What a brave little guy Eric is! I can't believe how much head wounds bleed. That's what makes them even more scary.
Ouch! What a tough little guy. I am glad he is ok. The staples will come out a lot better than stitches.
Another crazy day for your family! I'm glad all is well! Get better little man!
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