Don't judge me.
It wasn't pink, which I think was a brilliant move on the manufacturer's part.
But Eric has loved to "cook" and "bake" and "take your order" ever since he figured out how to say the words. I remember the first time he saw a commercial for the EBO {Easy Bake Oven}. He was so quiet and so focused on what was going on. Then he turned to me and asked, "Mommy, is that real food? Can you eat it?" When I told him yes, he just couldn't believe it. And the usual stream of requests followed.
I grabbed one from Target while they were on sale, along with a few packages of gender-neutral snacks to bake {i.e. brownies, cookies, cake with white frosting, i.e. nothing pink}. He was so excited to try it and {once I managed to remember a light bulb} we finally set aside some time to "bake".
That little cowpie on the plate is his successful brownie! He is really laughing in this picture; he was so thrilled with the whole process! And after we ate dinner, he was able to enjoy all his "Easy" work.
Cutest little guy EVER! Love it :)
Sounds like he's the next "iron chef"!
BTW...I want a brownie!!!
Hey- there is nothing wrong with mixing a little pink into your guy's life. This coming from the wife of Mr. Thompson who declared Thursdays "Pink Thursdays" four years ago at the middle school where he teaches...
I think it's awesome he got one of those for Christmas. He really seems to love it! I love that cheesy grin picture. I still remember mine. LOOOOVED the thing. Good Job Mom!
that's great! I love that he was focused during an EBO commercial. I'm wishing my mother in law would have got Derek one of those :)
Hope it works out for you guys. They seem like so much work to me. Whenever Jade wants to use hers it's all Derek. She can help me with the big oven. I'll let him handle that "pink" one :)
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