Don't judge me.
It wasn't pink, which I think was a brilliant move on the manufacturer's part.
But Eric has loved to "cook" and "bake" and "take your order" ever since he figured out how to say the words. I remember the first time he saw a commercial for the EBO {Easy Bake Oven}. He was so quiet and so focused on what was going on. Then he turned to me and asked, "Mommy, is that real food? Can you eat it?" When I told him yes, he just couldn't believe it. And the usual stream of requests followed.
I grabbed one from Target while they were on sale, along with a few packages of gender-neutral snacks to bake {i.e. brownies, cookies, cake with white frosting, i.e. nothing pink}. He was so excited to try it and {once I managed to remember a light bulb} we finally set aside some time to "bake".
That little cowpie on the plate is his successful brownie! He is really laughing in this picture; he was so thrilled with the whole process! And after we ate dinner, he was able to enjoy all his "Easy" work.