I've been doing a lot of wedding invitation designing these days and love it. It just boggles my mind how a few pieces of paper can create such anxiety and trepidation in one woman, i.e. "how should we address them?" "should we offer hotel information?" "do you think they need directions?" "what if they don't like my colors?" "we don't really like them, but if we don't invite them then they'll know we don't like them"...etc. It becomes comical after a period of time, to me. With every new bride comes the same look of horror, earnestly searching for the Dahli Lama of Wedding Etiquette and Appropriateness, when they realize all she has to fall back on is the latest wedding trends Hollywood is pumping out and her opinionated, over-medicated Aunt Pearl who can't seem to avoid "passively" mentioning how nice it would have been to see her marry her pastor's son.
*Sigh!* On a day that is supposed to be about one man and one woman, why is it that anyone capable of speaking feels the need to do so?
I'll just do everyone a favor and design in silence...assisted by a mouthful of cheesecake.
I love it! I love reading what you write. You are funny and talented you know. Hmm, sounds like I'm sucking up, but it's all true. Lejla was thinking about going with me to comedy night. When she found out how much it was she exclaimed "$10!!?? Janelle was just in here for 10 min, that's all the comedy I need and that was free." that was the day you told her she needs and 'Alenpatch'
yay, you figured out the pictures very nice.
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