Saturday, December 19, 2009

When In Home

*WARNING: The following post contains graphic, self-congratulating & back-patting by the author. Humble viewer discretion is advised.*

I did a lot today. And it felt good. Really good. I've actually been quite productive lately, and my accomplishments are emphasized with every item I cross off my never-ending lists.

But today was different. There were no lists, no expectations. It was supposed to be my last lazy Saturday before the Christmas festivities. {Oh, who am I kidding -- the Christmas festivities started the day after Thanksgiving.} But I actually pushed my butt outta bed, completed a 2-mile brisk walk in the comfort of my living room, trekked over to Sunsations to tan for a few minutes {but the Kids Klub was closed; maybe next time}, headed over to Appliance Warehouse to check out their dishwashers {my current one wants to keep the soap all to itself and not share any with the dirty dishes; it does this very noisily}, talked with Levi about said dishwashers, went home, made reservations in Sun Valley, made lunch, made cookie dough, vacuumed and cleaned while refrigerating cookie dough, made 2-dozen cookies out of aforementioned dough, went back to A.W. and placed order for dishwasher, came home with new microwave {at husband's request}, replaced new microwave with Gracie & Gus in the back of my car, took them to Petsmart for necessary nail-grinding {Gus took maybe a minute; they had to call in backup for Gracie *sigh*}, got stopped by every other store patron so they could tell me what clowns pugs are {of this, I am keenly aware}, brought dogs home, changed Eric's and my clothes, placed order with waitress at Applebee's.


And you want to know what else? Our dinner was entirely free. I had a $25 certificate and our dinner came to $24.53. Even with dessert! That was {quite literally} the cherry on top!

{I did tip our waitress well, so hopefully we both had a good night.}

What a wonderful day. It's a good thing I managed to kick my own butt through that 2-mile walk this morning; I think it gave me the jumpstart I needed to make this an incredible day! Eric even let me borrow his Disney Christmas cd so we could flood the house with holiday music. The Lord has blessed us so much. Thanks for being one of those blessings.

Only 6 days 'til Christmas!

1 comment:

Lacy said...

I think your dish washer and my dish washer must be brothers.

I will add my pat to yous. I'm glad your day was productive and ogod! It usally ends up feeling good when we're wokrin all day huh? I have to tell you, I think going picking out a dish washer AND microwave and purchasing them all by yourself is huge. If I did that alone and nothing else that day I owuld feel accomplished :)