Saturday, November 21, 2009


I was so excited about this deal that I wanted to share it. Macy's just recently had their famous One Day Sale. I also had a few coupons and a savings pass that I had brought along. I absolutely love the things Macy's sells, but often times can't justify paying full price for them. So I was anxious to make the most of the sale.

We had picked names in my family, with a limit of $20. The adults usually help each other out with ideas to make it a bit easier and to ensure everyone gets something they actually want. :) And my mom had told me that someone in that "group" had picked me, so if I found something I liked to tell her.

Well, I found something. And since the website won't allow me to save the picture file, you should be able to view it here.

And it was on sale for $19.99! I couldn't believe it! What's even better, I found a sweater-dress in the same color (something that I have wanted for a long time) on sale for the same price.

Well, between the sale prices of the day combined with a coupon I was able to use, I got both of them for $27.84! My mom and I split the total and she took the coat home with her to wrap! The bottom of the receipt told me how much we had saved from the regular prices: $51.02! We saved over $50 on 2 things! I couldn't believe it! What a ridiculous success that turned out to be!

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