Monday, October 05, 2009

Oh, The Possibilities

So, a girlfriend of mine and I are thinking we need to throw a Fall/Halloween/We're-Adults-But-We-Don't-Care-We-Wanna-Dress-Up-Too shin-dig. I found out she's known for years what she'd want to be if given the chance to dress up:

A) Pirate

B) Vampire

Simple enough. She would be perfect for either character.

So, why is it that I am having such a hard time figuring this out? To be honest, I haven't actually thought about dressing myself up
{besides the usual mandatory morning routine which is way less fun} since our church's second-to-last Harvest Festival. I was a cheerleader. And I believe I was a freshman in high school.

Yeah. It's been a while.

Nowadays, Halloween revolves around the plethera of superhero/ninja/soldier/masked whatever costumes the retailers convince little boys they simply can't live without. {"But Mo-ooommm! How will I fight the bad guys without a suit?!"}

Apparently "bad guys" have gotten so bad that they don't realize their sword/web/laser-wielding opponent is actually a superhero without an emblazoned "S", spider, or bat somewhere on the chest-area of the clothes said opponent is wearing.


So my friend and I have been batting around ideas for me. I've listed a few below.

Saloon Girl


Pink Ranger
{This is my son's choice}


What to do. . .what to do. . .

*Please note: I have neither the cleavage nor the desire to wear the exact costumes pictured. They are merely visual aids. Feel free to lower your eyebrows.


Jane said...

Saloon girl!!

Motormouth Macey said...

I've been trying to figure this out myself. I have to say, I'm particularly drawn to the flamingo myself, you could totally rock it :D

Lacy said...

I think you should be Sarah Jessica parker from Hocus Pocus!
But if you're wanting to be lessy whichy I think...hmm Poison Ivy! I've always wanted to be Poison Ivy for halloween and I just haven't made it happen. I think YOU should make it happen!
Oh, you mean I was supposed to choose one of your 3? hahah know any would be great fun and you would look great. I'm thinking...hmm ganster/mobster -- or flamingo :)

Lacy said...

Hey, so I had another costume idea hehe aren't you thrilled. You could be the game of Twister. There's pretty cute costume at