When the Olympics showcased this year, I noticed Eric's interest in the constant array of bodies flipping and flying across our TV screen. He even tried immitating them! I loved that--he saw something he liked and went for it! Anyway, the thought of getting him involved in a non-competitive program of tumbling and coordination hasn't left me since.
I was pleased when I saw a couple programs offered in the local TF Parks & Rec catalog that came out, but people kept telling me to give Magic Valley Gymnastics a shot. Though, there is a program called Little Tykes being offered for 3-4 yr. olds to introduce them to the wide world of sports. That's still on my list...
But I did finally call MVG and had a wonderful conversation with the lady on the other end. I got him signed up over the phone, got my questions answered, and was told where their new location is. Once I told Eric he was gonna get to go to "gymnastics school" in a few days, his eyes lit up! He's so excited and of course wanted to go immediately. We settled for a happy-medium of finding the place (mostly for my benefit, so I wouldn't be searching Monday morning. I'm usually late enough as it is.)
On a different note, we found his first Halloween costume yesterday at Target. They had literally just finished putting them out. Oh my...what a task for a 2 yr. old boy's mind. "Which superhero do I want to be more? Spiderman, Batman, Hulk, or Mr. Incredible?" Let me tell you, that was a tough decision!
Oh, and since I get asked this a lot, I'll clarify here: no, I did not go to the trouble of dressing up my too-young-to-understand-or-care son the first 2 Halloweens of his life. Saved myself some money and us both some frustration. Besides, October gets pretty chilly around here and you probably know by now, that's not my "forte".
Anyway, Spiderman won (of course) and despite being a size 4-6, it fits him very well. It's even reversible: regular Spiderman on one side, Venom, the black spider guy on the other. It was like Christmas for Eric! :) And that's what you'll find him wearing most of the day now!
For instance, today he came into the bathroom to talk to me as I was standing at the sink. He hopped up on the toilet, like usual, to sit and chat without realizing the lid was up. *Plop* Let's just say it wasn't one of Spiderman's most proud moments! Off came the suit with the soaking bottom. He was upset for a while, but I, on the other hand, had a good laugh and he did eventually see the humor in it.