Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Can I Get a Hallelujah?!

Last week I submitted a renewal request for the protection order against Levi. I have had to fill out 3 so far: one at the very beginning with all the gorey details - approved for 2 weeks, then attend a hearing so both sides could be heard (Levi didn't show), had it extended for 90 days - approved = most incredible summer ever, 90 days are almost up, so I either let it expire or put in a renewal request for a YEAR.

You bet I did.

I was told that the judge handling these things had been setting them for hearing, so I would probably have to attend another one, and I was pretty darn sure Levi would attend that one.

Well, today I was able to break away from work (to meet with my dad & attorney), and then raced over to the courthouse to find out what the judge decided...


I almost yanked the gal from behind the counter and bear-hugged her. And then I almost broke down in tears of relief. I think she could tell how relieved I was 'cause she just looked at me very kindly and chuckled and said, "Have a good day."

God is good.

(I thought this was pretty funny and fit with my "story" humorously. All joking aside, I AM praising the Lord!)