Saturday, December 27, 2008
No Pug Left Behind
If you look closely, you can see two more very large ones on either side of her tail. Those were both a foot long and were for Roxie and Ryleigh. They were massive! I couldn't stop laughing while I watched them try to get their jaws around those things. It was a very merry Christmas for the dogs at our house!
Gracie was delightfully occupied while we opened the remaining gifts.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
TAG! I'm it!
Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. I love real trees and the way they smell, but my husband is a clean-aholic and would panic at the first sign of needle-loss! :)
When do you put up the tree? Oh dear, it varies widely from year to year, but this year we did great! We got it up shortly after Thanksgiving!
Do you like eggnog? I have to be in the mood and I usually have to "water" it down with milk. Though, the Viva Light Eggnog isn't too bad.
Favorite gift received as a child? I don't know if I ever had ONE favorite thing, but I do remember being so excited about a spring-powered "rocking" horse, a purple and blue ladybug toy that had a hidden little creature inside her wings and you had to open it with a key. I know there were tons more, but I'm having trouble remembering!
Easiest person to buy for? Eric or my littlest sister, Shelley. They are both very good about letting you know exactly what they want. :)
Hardest person to buy for? My husband and my dad. They usually just go get whatever it is they want or need, so it leaves my options a little depleted!
Do you have a nativity scene? No...mostly because the one I would love to have is a wee-bit pricey. It's the Willow Tree set and it's sooo beautiful!
Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail. I love receiving them, too!
Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Well, they weren't bad at all, but at the time I was not parents got my sister and I a bunch of the same things only mine was all purple and her's were all pink. And I really wanted the pink stuff. :)
Favorite Christmas Movie? I don't see how you can have just one! I love A Christmas Story, The Grinch That Stole Christmas, Elf, The Toy That Saved Christmas, Polar Express...almost all of them 'cause they just get you in a festive mood!
When do you start shopping for Christmas? Well, ever since I had Eric, who's birthday is Dec. 1, I've started earlier than I used to. I get somethings for his birthday and some things for Christmas. I just have a hard time remembering what I got sometimes!
Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't believe so. I did that once with a wedding gift, but I can't say I remember doing that with a Christmas gift.
Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cookies, fudge, warm drinks, turkey, candy canes...the list goes on and on.
Lights on the tree? But of course: beautiful white lights!
Favorite Christmas song? Santa Baby, Light a Candle, Sleigh Ride, White Christmas...
Travel at Christmas or stay home? Well, we open our presents and do our Christmas-y things and then we "travel" 20 miles to my parents' house!
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? I believe so!
Angel on the tree top or a star? Either, but there is a star on ours.
Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Stockings on Christmas Eve, presents on Christmas morning.
Most annoying thing about this time of year? I agree with Lacy: when people insist on calling it "X-mas" instead of CHRISTmas. And when people give just for the sake of giving, with no real heart or thought put into it. It can really suck the special-ness right out of this time of year! I also wish Santa wasn't on every channel! We don't get gifts because of Santa; we get/give gifts because the Lord gave us THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL: HIS SON, JESUS!
Favorite ornament theme or color? Probably the ones on our tree: red, gold, & cream colors; large artificial poinsettas in those same colors are all over it with small matching balls.
Favorite time for Christmas dinner? Whenever everyone is together and ready for some fun fellowship around the table!
What do you want for Christmas this year? Hmmm...not too sure. Wouldn't mind a few tans from Sunsations to warm up! :)
*Now, it's your turn! I tag LoriAnn, Macey, Alycia, Julie, Amy, and Sarah!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Oh, The Weather Outside Is...DELIGHTFUL
After lunch, I bundled up my 2 little ones (Eric & Gracie) and we made it our personal mission to destroy the pristine landscape we had woken up to. I had to embrace the mission simply due to the alternative: trying to keep a 3 yr. old little boy and a one year-old pug out of it. Yeah right.
And we were wildly successful with our destruction. The snow was deep enough to provide a pleasantly-fatiguing challenge for Eric and a hilarious obstacle for Gracie! Poor little thing thinks she's a Great Dane, but her 8 inch legs tell her otherwise.
After our mission was complete, I asked Eric if he wanted to eat some of the snow. His eyes got wide and offered an enthusiastic "Yeah!" So I filled a couple bowls with snow and sprinkled Tang over the top. Eric loved it and I hadn't had it for years, so it was really quite a treat. Shortly after, Gracie took her place by the heater vent and Eric went down for a nap.
Officially 3
As you can see from his hair, attire and sleepy face, this was immediately after he had gotten out of bed. I wished him a big "Happy Birthday!" and it clicked: "I can finally open those presents I saw earlier!"
So, I got him to sit still for a second and then let him have at them...
Monday, December 08, 2008
Assignment: MOM
My mom has a distinct style and I wanted it to come through in the cards. Apparently, I did a really great job. Thanks, Mom!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
A Year-End Trip to the State of Denial
We just celebrated Eric's big day on the 1st with his very first birthday party. It was a raving success, if I do say so myself. He's actually had time to make friends and to anticipate his big day and understand it all, so we did it all!
I reserved Hop 2 It in the evening, ordered pizza and cake, and invited family and friends! We did the technicalities (pizza, cake, & presents) as quickly as possible so the kids could have maximum playing time and everyone was ok with that. It turned out to be almost 2 solid hours of non-stop bouncing, sliding, running, sprawling, and just plain goofing off!
Everyone's here!

P.S. Just a side note, but very note-worthy: Eric decided to get into the whole potty-training thing full-force about a month ago and is the proud owner of some very macho "big boy" underwear (which he is weaing in all the above shots). I'm so proud of him!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wouldn't You Snow It?
It's a group of books about little towns of snow-people! At first, I was wary they were about Santa but he's nowhere to be found in these wonderful books! Just the cutest snow-people ever! And the icing on the cake: they rhyme! I am a sucker for a good poem and these stories just roll right off your tongue!
I bought the newest one, Snow Place Like Home and asked about the rest of the series. Unfortunately, Hallmark only carries the current book. So, naturally I scoured my next favorite shopping desination: ebay! And I found every single one (at awesome prices!)
I thought I'd share them with you in case you love this sort of thing, too (in no particular order):

Thursday, November 06, 2008
'Leaf" Me Alone!
We were actually doing fairly well, considering Gracie and Ryleigh thought our pile was purely for their enjoyment! But as we kept raking and the pile kept growing, I just couldn't help it...
Halloween Hero
We went with my mom and little sister, Shelley, who dressed up as Morticia.
After he had had his fill of going door-to-door, we went back home and had just as much fun handing out candy to the other trick-or-treaters!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I Guess I Should Accept It
Such detail and concentration.
Pretty darn good for my two-year-old's little hands!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Free Fall Fun
Not far from our house is Kimberly Nurseries, a beautiful landscaping business that started their own Pumpkin Patch a few years ago. It has several activities including:
And the best part is that it's all free of charge to anyone who wishes to enjoy it! The only thing they ask is that if you find the one pumpkin you can't live without, you pay for it. They are anywhere from $2 to $10. Not too bad, if you ask me!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Fall Update
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wedding Bells in Boise
They finally decided to do it!
Christian and LoriAnn (my sis) got married at the Boise courthouse September 19! The ceremony was wonderful. She even had an adorable white dress on and the perfect little bouquet! My mom and I surprised them with a small wedding cake and engraved toasting flutes for the reception to help mark their special day!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tumbling & the Toilet
I was pleased when I saw a couple programs offered in the local TF Parks & Rec catalog that came out, but people kept telling me to give Magic Valley Gymnastics a shot. Though, there is a program called Little Tykes being offered for 3-4 yr. olds to introduce them to the wide world of sports. That's still on my list...
But I did finally call MVG and had a wonderful conversation with the lady on the other end. I got him signed up over the phone, got my questions answered, and was told where their new location is. Once I told Eric he was gonna get to go to "gymnastics school" in a few days, his eyes lit up! He's so excited and of course wanted to go immediately. We settled for a happy-medium of finding the place (mostly for my benefit, so I wouldn't be searching Monday morning. I'm usually late enough as it is.)
On a different note, we found his first Halloween costume yesterday at Target. They had literally just finished putting them out. Oh my...what a task for a 2 yr. old boy's mind. "Which superhero do I want to be more? Spiderman, Batman, Hulk, or Mr. Incredible?" Let me tell you, that was a tough decision!
Oh, and since I get asked this a lot, I'll clarify here: no, I did not go to the trouble of dressing up my too-young-to-understand-or-care son the first 2 Halloweens of his life. Saved myself some money and us both some frustration. Besides, October gets pretty chilly around here and you probably know by now, that's not my "forte".
Anyway, Spiderman won (of course) and despite being a size 4-6, it fits him very well. It's even reversible: regular Spiderman on one side, Venom, the black spider guy on the other. It was like Christmas for Eric! :) And that's what you'll find him wearing most of the day now!
For instance, today he came into the bathroom to talk to me as I was standing at the sink. He hopped up on the toilet, like usual, to sit and chat without realizing the lid was up. *Plop* Let's just say it wasn't one of Spiderman's most proud moments! Off came the suit with the soaking bottom. He was upset for a while, but I, on the other hand, had a good laugh and he did eventually see the humor in it.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Underwear Goes Under There
Speaking of accomplishments, Eric now owns official "big boy" underwear. Meaning, if he pees in them, he--as well as everyone else--is fully aware of it. :) He's not in them all the time; we're still doing the Pull-Ups thing. But he really loves knowing he has them in his drawer. And so do I. It means he's making progress and that's a big deal for a little man at the ripe ol' age of 2!
Here he is with his awesome camo and dino briefs!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
We talked and laughed the night away--some of us sharing a little too much. But wonderful memories were made. Just a piece of advice: if you're ever in the pizza-delivering business, steer-clear of Crestview Drive!